January 2023 is very nearly halfway over, and this is right about when we step back to take a good look at the promises that we made to and for ourselves in the new year. Was starting, continuing, or learning more about a yoga practice one of yours? I'd like to walk you through--step by step--what goes into registering for one of my online group classes, and then I've added a full length class video so you can see exactly what it will be like! If you have any questions, please comment here, or feel free to contact me at stephaniecottrellnm@gmail.com!
Register for class
Go to stephaniecottrellnm.com and click on “Online and In-Person Classes”. From there, click “Book Now” for the session of your choosing. Next, fill out your name and email address. There is a space for you to write a message to me. If you have any questions about the session or if there’s anything you think I should know, please feel free to ask or fill me in! Because all of my group classes are offered on a "pay only what you can, when you can" basis, there is no payment required to register! PLEASE make sure that you put in your correct email address, because this is how you’ll receive the confirmation email which includes the Zoom link for our session.